Wiedemann Award

Dr. Wiedemann honored with Free Paper Award at annual DOC-Meeting

We are proud to anounce that Dr. Johanna Wiedemann of the Department of Ophthalmology of the University Hospital Cologne was honored with the Free Paper Award at the 36th DOC Meeting in Nürnberg from June 20th-22nd 2024 for her work on „Early results of densitometry according to EndoArt“. The Free Paper Award ist awarded by section among all submitted papers.

Dr. Johanna Wiedemann is a Clinitian Scientist in CRC 1607’s projects A01 and A03 which focus on „Site- And Stage- Specific Chronic Inflammation And Fibrosis In Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy“ and „Personalized Anti(Lymph)Angiogenic And Immune Modulatory Therapies In High-Risk Corneal Transplantation“ respectively.

Photo Info: Dr. Johanna Wiedemann