On 29 October 2024, Professor Felix Bock will continue the SFB lecture series with the topic “Interaction of antigen presenting cells and vessels in corneal transplantation”. You are cordially invited […]
Erlangen's Professor André Reis speaks on "QTL analysis as a tool to detect new therapeutic targets". You are all cordially invited to the Augenklink lecture hall!
This conference will focus on presentations and discussions about the sub-projects of the CRC and the progress made in research into age-related, blindness-related eye diseases.
Professor Thomas Langmann cordially invites you all to the lecture hall of the eye clinic for an interactive workshop on "Good Research Practice". Collegues from Erlangen and Münster are invited […]
On 28 January 2025, Dr. Thomas Clahsen will give a lecture on „Lymphangiogenesis: genetic backgrounds“ as prt of the CRC's lecture series. You are cordially invited to the lecture theatre […]