Graduate School Workshop “Good Research Practice”

Professor Thomas Langmann cordially invites you all to the lecture hall of the eye clinic for an interactive workshop on "Good Research Practice". Collegues from Erlangen and Münster are invited […]

Workshop Open Science

You are kindly invited to the Open Science Workshop, held by Dr. Katja Restel on 13 February from 9 am until 11 am. Dr. Katja Restel is the coordinator of […]

Talk Dr. Domagoj Vucic at Cologne Cell Death Club

MPI Auditorium Cologne

Dr. Domagoj Vuvic from Genentech, San Francisco, has been invited to speak at the Cologne Cell Death Club Seminar on Monday, 17.02.25. The talk "Inflammatory cell death as an instigator […]

IRTG Lecture by Professor Margarethe Odenthal

Lecture Hall, Eye Clinic Joseph-Stelzmann Str, 50931 Köln

Professor Odenthal, PI in the A01 project, will talk on the basic mechanisms in fibrotic diseases leading to Fuchs Endothelial Dystrophy.