New visiting professor from Denmark
Prof. Kalucka gives lecture at CRC 1607
Prof. Dr. Joanna Kalucka from the University of Aarhus is the new visiting professor at the University Hospital Cologne and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cologne this summer semester. As her long-standing cooperation partner, Prof. Jonathan Jantsch, Director of the Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, was able to attract the internationally renowned specialist in inflammation and vascular research to Cologne. Prof. Kalucka has decisively advanced the understanding of endothelial cells through comprehensive analyses of endothelial cells at the single cell level as well as through studies on the inflammatory and metabolic regulation of endothelial cells.
As part of the new SFB 1607 “Immunomodulating and anti-(lymph)angiogenic therapies in age-related blind eye diseases”, she gave a lecture in mid-June on metabolic and inflammatory influences on endothelial cell functions in tissue inflammation and infection.
Prof. Kalucka’s research profile offers numerous other exciting areas of interaction with many researchers in Cologne. During her stay in Cologne this summer, opportunities for joint projects will be explored.
Photo info:
Prof. Dr. Joanna Kalucka with host Prof. Dr. Jonathan Jantsch (l.) and Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen, spokesperson CRC 1607 (r), Photo: Dorothea Hensen