Institute of Human Genetics
University Hospital Erlangen
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Schwabachanlage 10
91054 Erlangen, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. André Reis

Project leader
Scientific career
1979 – 1986 Medical School at the Universities of Göttingen und Lübeck (Germany)
1986 State Examination and License as Physician (Approbation)
1983 – 1986 Doctorate degree (Dr. med.) at the Medical University of Lübeck
1986 – 1988 Stipend of the DFG and post-doctoral fellow, Institute of Human Genetics, University of Göttingen
1989 – 1998 Hochschulassistent (C1), Institute of Human Genetics, Free University Berlin (later fused with Charité, Humboldt University Berlin)
1990 – 2000 Head of molecular diagnostics laboratory
1995 Habilitation in Human Genetics at Charité, Humboldt University Berlin
1995 – 2000 Founder and project leader, “Microsatellite Centre / Gene Mapping Centre” at Max-Delbrück-Centrum for Molecular Medicine, Berlin
1996 Board Certification for Human Genetics
1998 Ass. Professor (C3) of Medical Genetics and Gene Mapping at Humboldt Univ. Berlin and group leader at the Max-Delbrück-Center (MDC), Berlin
2000 Offer of Chair in Molecular Medicine (C4) at Humboldt Univ. Berlin (declined)
2000- Full Professor of Human Genetics (C4) and Director of the Institute of Human Genetics at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
2007- Chairman of the Board, Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZFK) of the Medical Faculty of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
2011 Offer of the Chair of Human Genetics (W3) at University Göttingen (declined)
2015- Principal Investigator of Project 2 “Identification of novel endogenous modulators of (inflammatory) lymphangiogenesis by analyzing mouse strain-specific differences” in the DFG Research Unit FOR 2240 “Angiogenesis, Lymphangiogenesis and Cellular Immunity in Inflammatory Diseases of the Eye” at the Institute of Human Genetics at the University Hospital of Erlangen
-2017 Chairman of the Academic Senate of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
2018- Principal Investigator of Project P2 “Identification of novel endogenous modulators of developmental and inflammatory lymphangiogenesis by analyzing mouse strain-specific differences” in the DFG Research Unit FOR 2240 “Angiogenesis, Lymphangiogenesis and Cellular Immunity in Inflammatory Diseases of the Eye” at the Institute of Human Genetics at the University Hospital of Erlangen
Prizes and honors
1986 Stipend of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
1994 Scientific Award of the German Society of Human Genetics (GfH)
since 2007 Member, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
2007 – 2011 Corresponding Member
since 2011 Member, Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz
since 2011 Corresponding Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Selected publications
- Wittmann MT, Katada S, Sock E, Kirchner P, Ekici AB, Wegner M, Nakashima K, Lie DC, Reis A (2021). scRNA sequencing uncovers a TCF4-dependent transcription factor network regulating commissure development in mouse. Development, 148: dev196022.
- Vasileiou G, Vergarajauregui S, Endele S, Popp B, Büttner C, Ekici AB, Gerard M, Bramswig NC, Albrecht B, Clayton-Smith J, Morton J, Tomkins S, Low K, Weber A, Wenzel M, Altmüller J, Li Y, Wollnik B, Hoganson G, Plona MR, Cho MT; Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study, Thiel CT, Lüdecke HJ, Strom TM, Calpena E, Wilkie AOM, Wieczorek D, Engel FB, Reis A (2018) Mutations in the BAF-Complex Subunit DPF2 Are Associated with Coffin-Siris Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet, 102: 468-479.
- Reuter MS, Tawamie H, Buchert R, Hosny Gebril O, Froukh T, Thiel C, Uebe S, Ekici AB, Krumbiegel M, Zweier C, Hoyer J, Eberlein K, Bauer J, Scheller U, Strom TM, Hoffjan S, Abdelraouf ER, Meguid NA, Abboud A, Al Khateeb MA, Fakher M, Hamdan S, Ismael A, Muhammad S, Abdallah E, Sticht H, Wieczorek D, Reis A*, Abou Jamra R* (2017) Diagnostic Yield and Novel Candidate Genes by Exome Sequencing in 152 Consanguineous Families with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. JAMA Psychiatry, 74: 293-299 (* equal contribution)
- Rauch A, Wieczorek D, Graf E, Wieland T, Endele S, Schwarzmayr T, Albrecht B, Bartholdi D, Beygo J, Di Donato N, Dufke A, Cremer K, Hempel M, Horn D, Hoyer J, Joset P, Ropke A, Moog U, Riess A, Thiel CT, Tzschach A, Wiesener A, Wohlleber E, Zweier C, Ekici AB, Zink AM, Rump A, Meisinger C, Grallert H, Sticht H, Schenck A, Engels H, Rappold G, Schrock E, Wieacker P, Riess O, Meitinger T, Reis A*, Strom TM* (2012) Range of genetic mutations associated with severe non-syndromic sporadic intellectual disability: an exome sequencing study. Lancet, 380: 1674-82 (* equal contribution)
- Hüffmeier U, Uebe S, Ekici AB, Bowes J, Giardina E, Korendowych E, Juneblad K, Apel M, McManus R, Ho P, Bruce IN, Ryan AW, Behrens F, Lascorz J, Bohm B, Traupe H, Lohmann J, Gieger C, Wichmann HE, Herold C, Steffens M, Klareskog L, Wienker TF, Fitzgerald O, Alenius GM, McHugh NJ, Novelli G, Burkhardt H, Barton A, Reis A (2010) Common variants at TRAF3IP2 are associated with susceptibility to psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. Nat Genet, 42: 996-9.
- Rauch A, Thiel CT, Schindler D, Wick U, Crow YJ, Ekici AB, van Essen AJ, Goecke TO, Al-Gazali L, Chrzanowska KH, Zweier C, Brunner HG, Becker K, Curry CJ, Dallapiccola B, Devriendt K, Dörfler A, Kinning E, Megarbane A, Meinecke P, Semple RK, Spranger S, Toutain A, Trembath RC, Voß E, Wilson L, Hennekam R, de Zegher F, Dörr HG, Reis A (2008) Mutations in the Pericentrin (PCNT) Gene Cause Primordial Dwarfism. Science, 319: 816-819.
- Zenker M, Mayerle J, Lerch MM, Tagariello A, Zerres K, Durie PR, Beier M, Hülskamp G, Guzman C, Rehder H, Beemer FA, Hamel B, Vanlieferinghen P, Gershoni-Baruch R, Vieira MW, Dumic M, Auslender R, Gil-da-Silva-Lopes VL, Steinlicht S, Rauh M, Shalev SA, Thiel C, Ekici AB, Winterpacht A, Kwon YT, Varshavsky A, Reis A (2005) Deficiency of UBR1, a ubiquitin ligase of the N-end rule pathway, causes pancreatic dysfunction, malformations and mental retardation (Johanson-Blizzard syndrome). Nat Genet, 37:1345-50.
- Varon R, Vissinga C, Platzer M, Cerosaletti KM, Chrzanowska KH, Saar K, Beckmann G, Seemanova E, Cooper PR, Nowak NJ, Stumm M, Weemaes CM, Gatti RA, Wilson RK, Digweed M, Rosenthal A, Sperling K, Concannon P, Reis A (1998) Nibrin, a novel DNA double-strand break repair protein, is mutated in Nijmegen breakage syndrome. Cell 93: 467-76.
- Reis A, Dittrich B, Greger V, Buiting K, Lalande M, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Anvret M, Horsthemke B (1994) Imprinting mutations suggested by abnormal DNA methylation patterns in familial Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes. Am J Hum Genet, 54: 741-7.
- Reis A, Hennies HC, Langbein L, Digweed M, Mischke D, Drechsler M, Schrock E, Royer-Pokora B, Franke WW, Sperling K, et al. (1994) Keratin 9 gene mutations in epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma (EPPK). Nat Genet, 6: 174-9.