Prof. Dr. med. Tim U. Krohne

CRC 1607 | Prof. Dr. med. Tim U. Krohne

Department of Ophthalmology
University Hospital Cologne
Kerpener Str. 62
50937 Cologne, Germany
+49 (0)221 478-4105


Project leader

Scientific career

2022 Membership, Club Jules Gonin

2020 Full Professor (Univ.-Prof. W2 für Netzhautchirurgie), University of Cologne

Since 2020 Research group leader, University of Cologne, Department of Ophthalmology, Retina Research Laboratory

2017 Adjuct Professor (apl. Prof.), University of Bonn

2010 – 2020 Research group leader and supervisor of several MD and PhD theses, University of Bonn, Department of Ophthalmology, Retinal Cell Biology Laboratory

02/2008 – 07/2010 Postdoctoral research associate and DFG Research Fellowship recipient, The Scripps Research Institute, Department of Cell Biology, La Jolla/CA, USA (Martin Friedlander, MD, PhD)

2007 Alcon Retina Scholar, Cornell University Medical College, Dyson Vision Research Institute, New York City/NY, USA (Silvia C. Finnemann, PhD)

10/2005 – 09/2006 Gerok Scholar of the University of Bonn BONFOR Program, University of Bonn, Department of Ophthalmology, Retinal Cell Biology Laboratory

08/2002 – 01/2004 Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Cologne, Department of Ophthalmology, Retina Research Laboratory (Prof. Dr. A.M. Joussen)

Prizes and honors

2018 Julius Springer Award for Ophthalmology, German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)

2018 Research Award of the German Ophthalmic Surgeons (DOC)

2018 German Research Program for Ophthalmology Award, Bayer

2012 Macula Research Award, Pro Retina Foundation

2011 International Travel Grant Award, Assoc. of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)

2010 Kröner Research Award, German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)

2008 – 2010 Research Fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

2006 Alcon Retina Scholarship, German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)

2005 – 2006 Gerok Research Scholarship, University of Bonn BONFOR Program

2003 Ludolf Krehl Research Award, South West German Society of Internal Medicine

1997 – 1998 Scholarship for studies abroad of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

1997 – 2002 Study scholarship of the Bayer Study Foundation (Bayer-Studienstiftung)

Selected publications

  1. Wang L, Schmidt S, Larsen PP, Meyer JH, Roush WR, Latz E, Holz FG, Krohne TU. Efficacy of novel selective NLRP3 inhibitors in human and murine retinal pigment epithelial cells. J Mol Med 2019 Apr;97(4):523-532.
  2. Akhtar-Schäfer I, Wang L, Krohne TU, Xu H, Langmann T. Modulation of three key innate immune pathways for the most common retinal degenerative diseases. EMBO Mol Med 2018 Oct;10(10):e8259. (Review)
  3. Brandstetter C, Patt J, Holz FG, Krohne TU. Inflammasome priming increases retinal pigment epithelial cell susceptibility to lipofuscin phototoxicity by changing the cell death mechanism from apoptosis to
    pyroptosis. J Photochem Photobiol B 2016 Aug;161:177-83.
  4. Brandstetter C, Holz FG, Krohne TU. Complement component C5a primes retinal pigment epithelial cells for inflammasome activation by lipofuscin-mediated photooxidative damage. J Biol Chem 2015 Dec 25;290(52):31189-98.
  5. Brandstetter C, Mohr LKM, Latz E, Holz FG, Krohne TU. Light induces NLRP3 inflammasome activation in retinal pigment epithelial cells via lipofuscin-mediated photooxidative damage. J Mol Med 2015 Aug;93(8):905-16.
  6. Mohr LKM, Hoffmann AV, Brandstetter C, Holz FG, Krohne TU. Effects of inflammasome activation on secretion of inflammatory cytokines and vascular endothelial growth factor by retinal pigment epithelial cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2015 Oct 1;56(11):6404-13.
  7. Krohne TU, Westenskow PD, Kurihara T, Friedlander DF, Lehmann M, Dorsey AL, Li W, Zhu S, Schultz A, Wang J, Siuzdak G, Ding S, Friedlander M. Generation of retinal pigment epithelial cells from small molecules and OCT4 reprogrammed human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells Trans Med 2012 Feb;1(2):96-109.
  8. Weidemann A, Krohne TU (shared first authorship), Aguilar E, Kurihara T, Takeda N, Dorrell MI, Simon MC, Haase VH, Friedlander M, Johnson RS. Astrocyte hypoxic response is essential for pathological but not developmental angiogenesis of the retina. Glia 2010 Aug;58(10):1177-85.
  9. Krohne TU, Stratmann NK, Kopitz J, Holz FG.
    Effects of lipid peroxidation products on lipofuscinogenesis and autophagy in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Exp Eye Res 2010 Mar;90(3):465-71.
  10. Krohne TU, Shankara S, Geissler M, Roberts B, Wands JR, Blum HE, Mohr L. Mechanisms of cell death induced by suicide genes encoding purine nucleoside phosphorylase and thymidine kinase in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro. Hepatology 2001 Sep;34(3):511-18.