Speaker Basic/Medical Scientists

Prof. Dr. rer.-nat. Hamid Kashkar

CRC 1607 | Prof. Dr. Hamid Kashkar

Institute for Molecular Immunology, CECAD Research Center
University of Cologne
Joseph-Stelzmann-Straße 26,
50931 Cologne, Germany
+49 221 47884091


Project leader

Scientific career

since 2022 Chair, Institute for Molecular Immunology, University of Cologne

Since 2002 Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie

2015 Extraordinary professorship (APL Professur)

2014-2021 Independent Research Group Leader, CECAD, University of Cologne

2011-2014 Independent Research Group Leader, Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC), University of Cologne

Since 2008 Reviewer of, EMBO J., EMBO Rep., Cell Death and Diff., Nature Commun., Nature Cell Biol., Nature Microbiol., Mol. Cell, Cell Host Microbe, Immunity, Cell Rep.

2008 Habilitation, Habilitation title: Resistance to apoptosis in Hodgkin Lymphoma: From molecular mechanisms to therapeutic approaches

2005-2011 Senior Investigator with an own research group, Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, University of Cologne

2002-2005 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, University of Cologne

Prizes and honors

2011 Career Development Award of the CMMC, University of Cologne

2007 Award for the Best Habilitation 2009, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne

Selected publications

  1. Daoud M, Broxtermann PN, Schorn F, Werthenbach JP, Seeger JM, Schiffmann LM, Brinkmann K, Vucic D, Tüting T, Mauch C, Kulms D, Zigrino P, Kashkar H. XIAP promotes melanoma growth by inducing tumour neutrophil infiltration EMBO Rep 2022 23(6), e53608
  2. Schiffmann LM, Werthenbach JP, Heintges-Kleinhofer F, Seeger JM, Fritsch M, Günther SD, Willenborg S, Brodesser S, Lucas C, Jüngst C, Albert MC, Schorn F, Witt A, Moraes CT, Bruns C, Pasparakis M, Krönke M, Eming SA, Coutelle O, Kashkar H. Mitochondrial respiration controls neoangiogenesis during wound healing and tumour growth. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11(1):3653
  3. Günther SD, Fritsch M, Seeger JM, Schiffmann LM, Snipas SJ, Coutelle M, Kufer TA, Higgins PG, Hornung V, Bernardini ML, Höning S, Krönke M, Salvesen GS, Kashkar H. Cytosolic Gram-negative bacteria prevent apoptosis by inhibition of effector caspases through lipopolysaccharide. Nat. Microbiol. 2020, 5(2):354–367
  4. Fritsch M, Günther SD, Schwarzer R, Albert MC, Schorn F, Werthenbach JP, Schiffmann LM, Stair N, Stocks H, Seeger JM, Lamkanfi M, Krönke M, Pasparakis M, Kashkar H. Caspase-8 is the molecular switch for apoptosis, necroptosis and pyroptosis. Nature 2019, 575(7784):683-687
  5. Witt A, Seeger JM, Coutelle O, Zigrino P, Broxtermann P, Andree M, Brinkmann K, Jüngst C, Schauss AC, Schüll S, Wohlleber D, Knolle P, Krönke M, Mauch C, Kashkar H. IAP antagonization induces inflammatory destruction of vascular endothelium EMBO Rep. 2015, 16:719-727
  6. Andree M, Seeger JM, Schüll S, Coutelle O, Wagner-Stippich D, Wiegmann K, Wunderlich C, Brinkmann K, Broxtermann PN, Witt A., Fritsch M, Martinelli P, Bielig H, Lamkemeyer T, Rugarli EI, Kaufmann T, Sterner-Koch A, Wunderlich, FT, Villunger A, Martins LM, Krönke M, Kufer T, Utermöhlen O, Kashkar H. BID-mediated release of mitochondrial SMAC dampens XIAP-mediated immunity against Shigella. EMBO J. 2014, 33:2171-2187
  7. Coutelle O, Hornig-Do HT, Witt A, Andree M, Schiffmann LM, Liwschitz M, Seeger JM, Piekarek M, Brinkmann K, Hallek M, Krönke M, Trifunovic A, Eming SA, Wiesner RJ, Hacker UT, Kashkar H. Embelin inhibits endothelial mitochondrial respiration and impairs neoangiogenesis during tumor growth and wound healing EMBO Mol. Med. 2014, 6:624-639
  8. Brinkmann K, Zigrino P, Witt A, Schell M, Ackermann L, Broxtermann PN, Schüll S, Andree M, Coutelle O, Yazdanpanah B, Seeger JM, Klubertz D, Drebber U, Hacker UT, Krönke M, Mauch C, Hoppe T, Kashkar H. Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase-L1 Potentiates Cancer Chemosensitivity by Stabilizing NOXA. Cell Rep. 2013, 3(3):881-91.
  9. Seeger JM, Schmidt P, Brinkmann K, Hombach A, Coutelle O, Zigrino P, Wagner-Stippich D, Mauch C, Abken H, Krönke M, and Kashkar H. The proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib sensitizes melanoma cells towards adoptive CTL attack. Cancer Res. 2010, 70:1825-34.
  10. Haubert D, Gharib N, Rivero F, Wiegmann K, Hösel M, Krönke M, Kashkar H. PtdIns(4,5)P-restricted plasma membrane localization of FAN is involved in TNF-induced actin reorganization. EMBO J., 2007, 26:3308–3321.