Translational Ophthalmology Research celebrates Laboratory Opening

Research at the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital of Cologne has evolved a lot in 2024. Following the successful acquisition of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 1607 ‘New immunomodulating and anti-(lymph)angiogenic therapies for age-associated eye diseases leading to blindness’ (, the research department of the Eye Clinic has grown considerably, which is why a change of premises was absolutely necessary. This summer, Translational Ophthalmology Research moved to Uniklinik Flex Building 74 (Weyertal 115c).

Following the successful move in August, the laboratory was officially opened on 19 November 2024. Over a small snack, guests had the opportunity to get to know their new colleagues in the laboratory as well as the work opportunities offered by the CRC 1607. Professor Claus Cursiefen, head of the research unit and spokesperson of the CRC, and Professor Felix Bock, administrative head of the laboratory and member of the CRC management team, thanked all those who planned and realized the move. The medical staff of the Department of Ophthalmology as well as researchers from the University Hospital Cologne were invited to visit the new premises and to get inspired by the research possibilities for new collaborations.
At the same time, the new name of the research unit, Translational Experimental Ophthalmology Cologne (TEO-C), was announced. It comprises the following working groups:

– AG Corneal (lymph) angiogenesis and transplant rejection (Prof. Cursiefen)
– AG Local immunomodulation WG (Prof. Bock)
– AG Genetic Diversity of Corneal (Lymph)Angiogenesis (Dr. Clahsen)
– AG Corneal Stem Cell Biology (Dr. Notara)
– AG Metabolism of corneal hem- and (lymph)angiogenesis (Dr. Hadrian)
– AG Osmosprotection in Inflammatory Diseases of the Cornea (PD Hos)
– AG Fuchs endothelial dystrophy (Prof. Bachmann)
– AG Ocular surface/ocular GvHD working group (Prof. Steven)
– AG Herpetic keratitis (Dr. Howaldt)
– AG Conjunctival melanoma working group (PD Schlereth)

The modern FLEX building offers the many working groups of the Eye Clinic an optimal working environment for research, networking and direct exchange, which is already perceived as a great enrichment shortly after moving in. With employees from a total of 10 working groups, the laboratory on the second floor is already fully utilized. The laboratory of the Research Department for Ophthalmooncology and Oculoplastic Surgery under the administrative management of Prof. Heindl is also located in the same building, where short distances enable even closer cooperation.